In order to
receive respect, you need to give respect. Believe there is good in bad, in
others and yourself. I believe in helping others who have fallen off the “good”
road. This goes for traditional ways too. Not every bad guy was or is always
bad (metaphorically speaking). It takes time and usually someone’s help or an
event to change someone’s ways. Patience is key to helping someone. But there
comes a point when a person can’t help someone who does not want to be helped.
I try to be compassionate and understanding, for those who are lost or don’t
know their ways can be taught. Native Americans are losing their ways. It is up
to our elders to teach the younger generation and it is up to the younger
generation to want to learn. They forget the significance of sweats, sun
dances, and powwows. It’s a time to reflect and rejoice the life you were
given. I believe in motivation and taking pride in whom you are and where you
come from. Don’t let pride make your head big. There is a fine line between
having pride and being arrogant and conceited. Be humble. Tribes are not gangs;
you represent your tribe and respect other tribes. I believe in keeping sacred
doings, sacred. This means no cameras or videotaping, during sun dances,
sweats, Navajo ceremonies, whistled songs, etc; they are sacred for a reason. I
have faith and hope, listening to my elders and voicing myself.
Perfection, in
my dictionary, does not exist. Nothing is ever perfect, but that is okay. I
accept that. I understand mistakes will be made, I may fall off the “good” road,
and maybe I have already. I take those
mistakes and learn/grow from them. Someone may be there to guide me or not. I
don’t have a place to judge, but I and others have to be able to admit we do
judge, whether we notice it or not. I believe in the power of prayer, but that
doesn’t mean I have to attend church to prove myself. I offer my prayers in
sweat or by myself. I do go to church most Sundays though. I believe in individualism. I am myself and I
have to allow others to be themselves. Almost any and every situation is what I
make it. I believe if you want something to happen, you have to make it happen.
Stuff doesn’t happen on its own, don’t wait around for other people, just do
it. I believe in sticking up for myself.
Do not let someone down grade you and make you believe you’re something
you are not. I have strong view points and if someone has different views,
that’s okay. In order to be who I am, I have to accept the way I am.
I am a stubborn, stern,
compassionate individual who has strong beliefs in my heritage. I am a person
that lives by respect and still learning what life is all about and what life
has to offer. I am almost a mirror of my mother. I am a proud Navajo,
Assiniboine, Turtle Mountain Chippewa, and Klamath. I am Tayla D.
I think you have really improved from your Mascot essay to this essay. Although they are very different types of papers, I can tell that your word choice and the flow between sentence to sentence has really improved. I like how you related your mascot essay and this essay to your heritage.